Monday, August 23, 2010


Here is Monocism's complete discography (so far) collected from their two mini-albums, compilations, and split CD with Lemon's Chair. Japanese shoegaze at its finest.

Monocism - (Whole Discography)

Friday, August 20, 2010


Debut album from Montreal based band Kiss Me Deadly, released in 2002. A much more raw and angsty sound than their follow-up releases. Less refined, full of punk-ish naiveté, but that's what makes it good. So yeah, great songs.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Hi. holdmedear and I talked for a long time about random stuff and we ended up talking about music community on the internet. So here I am, contributing to his music blog now becoming ours. Glad to introduce myself, Madder, mostly listening to : postrock, mathrock, old screamo, posthardcore, noisecore, hip hop, dubstep, trip-hop, drone and electronic. Lots of ambient and instrumental music.
Hope you will enjoy my contribution, even if my taste of music seems a little bit different than my buddy.