Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Another Japanese album. I was really anticipating the day I would receive this one, but when I popped it in my drive I felt a bit disoriented. At first, I thought it sounded like a live album, the mixing just wasn't there.. Everything sounded clean but lacked depth, however after a wile, I took that as very charming. Uzumibi is, after all, a stripped down guitar-bass-drums rock trio. Their songs are soft but their energy and feelings are totally there. I think they kept it like that so the listeners could feel the intimacy of their tracks, which feel like they were written as folk songs.

Fell in love with their sound watching some Youtube vids of theirs, I was especially drawn in by the singer's retro-style voice, the groovy basslines, and how they present their songs with minimal arrangements.

Anyhow, recommended to all!

I'm also taking advantage of this post (as late as it may be) to send my regards to the Japanese people and those who have family/friends in Japan. These recent events are truly awful. Wishing you from the bottom of my heart that the damages and lives lost are as minimal as possible.